Children & Young Adults
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At MCS Healthcare, our commitment to children and young adults extends beyond mere care; it encompasses tailored, compassionate support designed to meet the diverse needs of each individual. Whether it's providing temporary care during a parent or guardian's hospital stays, offering respite, or delivering long-term assistance for children with disabilities or special needs, our comprehensive care packages are crafted with precision.

Our care offerings cater to a spectrum of needs, including:
  • Assisting with Morning Routines for School or College: Ensuring a seamless start to the day, our caregivers assist with morning routines, ensuring children are prepared for their educational activities.

  • One-to-one Support at School or College:Tailored support within the educational environment to facilitate optimal learning experiences.

  • Accompanying on Various Outings: From shopping trips to cultural events, leisure activities, and sports, our caregivers provide companionship and assistance, promoting social engagement.

  • Aid with Personal Care, Meals, and Feeding: Addressing fundamental needs, our team provides assistance with personal care, meals, and feeding, ensuring the wellbeing of each child.

  • Attending Medical Appointments: Our caregivers accompany children to medical appointments, providing necessary support and ensuring their health needs are met.

  • Engaging in Activities at Home: Encouraging a nurturing home environment, our caregivers engage children in various activities tailored to their interests.

  • Assisting with Bedtime Routines:From bedtime stories to establishing calming bedtime routines, our caregivers contribute to a comforting end to the day.

  • Establishing Daily Routines: Recognising the importance of routine, we work with families to establish daily schedules that align with their unique preferences and needs.

We understand and celebrate the uniqueness of each child. Our approach involves taking the time to comprehend there:
  • Communication Style:Adapting our communication to suit the child's individual style and preferences.

  • Specific Needs:Tailoring our care to address specific needs and preferences, ensuring a personalised and effective support system.

  • Preferences and Dislikes:Respecting individual preferences and dislikes to create a supportive and comfortable environment.

  • Significant Values:Identifying and incorporating what holds significance to the child, creating a more meaningful and enriching care experience.

Our stringent vetting process ensures the safety and wellbeing of your child remains our top priority. We carefully select a dedicated team equipped to provide consistent and nurturing care.

Contact us today to explore how we can effectively support both you and your child on their unique journey.